The Broad Street Ward Club is an easy and enjoyable way to gain an understanding and appreciation of the traditions, history and current workings of the City. With over 370 members it is one of the liveliest social organisations in the Square Mile and has a varied and busy annual programme. It's a good first step into the Civic and social activities of the area and an excellent way to meet and socialise with a wide range of members and others involved in the City.
The Club promotes interest in the Ward and maintains strong social links between Club members and the Ward's Alderman and three Common Councilmen. Members are encouraged to find out more about the City of London, its unique form of government and traditions and both its famous and more obscure history, buildings and organisations - achieving this by attending social events which are educational and interesting as well as being fun.
The Broad Street Ward Club was very active in the 18th century, with an active Volunteer Force in 1797. However, the Club fell into abeyance by the 1950’s, being reinvigorated in 1976 by the then Lord Mayor Sir Hugh Wontner – “To foster interest in and support for the welfare and traditions of the City of London and the Ward of Broad Street by means of social functions and such other activities as may be thought desirable.”
The Club's events over the past years have included private visits to the Speaker’s Apartments at the House of Commons, speciality tours of the House of Lords and of the Supreme Court and of many of the historic landmarks of the City itself, including being able to raise Tower Bridge! Speciality lectures, visits to historic buildings and viewing private collections are a regular feature of its annual programme, as are Civic events and an Annual Civic Lunch in the crypts at Guildhall to mark the installation of the new Lord Mayor.
We love to welcome welcome new members, either individual or corporate, so if you are interested in joining us find out more here